Love for Mama

Every moment I sit down to write, this one to my queen I dedicate,
Coming from your little child, filled with love and respect,
Mama you are my beloved, and forever I will never forget,
Today I pick this magic pen, trek down memory lane,
Checking on the days as a toddler, I see you guiding ma steps,
Times have really changed; they say I have come of age,
All the same Mama, U r still there 2 love and encourage,

They chant on strength of a woman, Mama it is all about you,
The simple things you do, Mama brought me this far too,
From Mondays to the weekends, I had every need in abundance
You showed me how to cover the distances’, learning to walk you held my hand…
Till this day on a stronger foundation I stand, Because of your unconditional love,
You are the one and only, for this to the world I will tell,
Every second, minute, hour and every day, until the last stanza ends

.....To b Cont....


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